Geography - Why are rainforests important to us?
This term, we will be looking at tropical rainforests and their importance to us! During our learning, we will explore the different layers of the rainforest, like the emergent, canopy, understory, and forest floor, and learn how each layer supports different species. We will also be learning about how rainforests help regulate the Earth's climate, produce oxygen, and provide homes for many animals and indigenous people! Finally, we will explore the threats rainforests face, like deforestation, and why it’s important to protect these vital ecosystems.
This term, Year 3 will be looking at multiplication and division. We will learn how to use the column method to multiply and divide with exchange. To wrap our learning in this unit, we will look at the links between multiplying and dividing. Towards the end of the term, Year 3 will also look at length and perimeter where we will use our adding and subtracting skills to work out lengths!
In Year 4, we will begin looking at fractions. During this unit, we will learn how to add and subtract fractions, and we will also look at improper and mixed fractions! Year 4 will then move onto multiplication and division, where we will also look at using the column method to multiply and divide with exchange!
Our focus text will be - The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry
The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry is a story set in the Amazon rainforest. It follows a man who comes to chop down a huge kapok tree. As he rests under its shade, various animals from the rainforest—like a jaguar, toucan, and monkey—whisper to him about the importance of the tree and how it supports their lives. Each animal explains how the tree is crucial to their survival. But when the man wakes up, will he choose to leave the tree alone?
We will be researching the different animals that can be found in the Amazon rainforest and using the information we find to create our own story inspired by Lynne Cherry. We will also write newspaper reports about deforestation, create fact files on different species and write a biography of a key environmentalist!
As a class, we really enjoy reading, and we read for at least 20 minutes a day. The reading record will be checked every day and this will contribute to your child achieving their Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates for 10 days of reading.
Forest School
Our class will participate on a Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Crosby. Please ensure that your child has their boots and kit every week. Please speak to us if you need guidance on what is required.
Friday afternoon and will be with our specialist sports instructors who will use their extensive coaching knowledge to support a variety of different sports.
The class teacher will inform the parents of the homework via Seesaw
Spellings will be set via Spelling Frame. Children have one week to complete the test on the given words.
French homework is via Languagenut and each child is required to complete a test on a given topic within a week.
Our weekly timetable