Pupil Premium Allocation
The Pupil Premium is an allocation of funding made by the Government to support children who may be vulnerable to underachievement. There are several categories for which this funding is allocated and the amount that the school receives is dependent on the numbers of children who are in these categories.
All schools are required to report on the amount of funding it receives and how this funding is to be used. Please find our current strategy for this year attached to the bottom of the page.
At Brenzett CEP School, we aim:-
- To ensure that learning and teaching meets the needs of all pupils.
- To ensure that appropriate provision is made for all children in all socially disadvantaged groups and these needs are assessed and met.
- To understand that not all children allocated the Pupil Premium are disadvantaged but that this funding could be used to develop improved outcomes for those children.
- To allocate the funding after a 'Needs Analysis' to ensure that it is allocated to identified pupils or groups.
Currently, we will have an allocation for Pupil premium of approximately £36,960 The intention is to spend this allocation as we have done in previous years but with an emphasis on 'closing the gaps' through booster groups and targeted intervention. To see intentions and outcomes for Pupil Premium allocation, please see the document attached to this page
To apply for Free School Meals please follow this link: www.cloudforedu.org.uk/ofsm/kent or here for a hard copy to be completed and handed to the school office.