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Brenzett Primary School

BrenzettChurch of England Primary School

'The Lost Sheep' Luke 15:4-7



Miss Down, Mrs Button and Mrs Attree welcome you to take a look at all the wonderful learning happening in Oak Class! Term 1 is going to be an exciting one! 

Important information: 

Forest School takes place every Monday, so the children will need clothes in school that can get dirty. This includes wellies for when we have particularly wet days! A reminder that children need to be wearing long sleeved items of clothing and trousers for Forest School. PE happens every Thursday, so we ask that the children come into school on Thursday mornings in their full PE kits. 

 Boots, footwear, wellies, wellingtons icon - Free download


This term in Maths, we will be spending a lot of our time looking at the place value of digits in numbers up to 1 million. We will use our knowledge to compare and order numbers and we will also recap what we know about Roman numerals. During Term 1, we will try some investigation style questions and explore different ways to answer questions using manipulatives. 

Roman numeral | Chart & Facts | Britannica



For Writing this term, we will be writing for a variety of audiences and exploring different genres such as: persuasive campaigns, diary entries and non-chronological reports. We will begin by recapping grammatical features that we already know and then we will start to practice extending our sentences with relative clauses and subordinate clauses. 



For our Science learning this term, we will be exploring Living Things and their Habitats. This will involve us looking at life-cycles, gestation periods and comparing how these may differ for different types of animals. We will be following enquiries and exploring in an investigatory way as much as possible. 


This term, we will be looking at the topic of Mountains in Geography. We will use it as an opportunity to refresh our knowledge on continents, climate zones and countries. Further to this, we will explore some of the most famous mountain ranges in the world and we will even explore what it might be like to live in these remote areas. This will inform some of our writing this term and we will be thinking about presenting our research in exciting ways.



Our Big Question this term in RE is: Creation and Science: conflicting or complementary? This will involve us looking at some quite complex issues and exploring our own views on religion and Science. We will explore contrasting views and have plenty of discussion surrounding this. 


The topic for PSHE this term is all about 'Being Me in My World'. This is where we will be discussing how we fit into our school and wider community. We will explore how we can welcome and encourage diversity as it makes our world a more wonderful place. 

Globe PNG transparent image download, size: 256x256px

Home Learning: 

Seesaw is the platform we are using to engage with parents but also conduct home learning. Homework will be set every Friday and checked the following Thursday. There will be two tests set via Spelling Frame every week and a Maths/ SPAG task for everyone to hand in. 

Home Learning - Eversley Primary School

As we are using technology more and more at home and in school, it is important to be taking an active role in helping our children stay safe online. If you need any support with this, please don't hesitate to talk to Miss Down. There is a useful website below to give you some tips:  

Useful websites: - a website with information, quizzes and games for all subjects! - an excellent website full of games and interactive resources that will help with mental Maths. - a website to help with times table fluency - a real focus in our class at the moment! - an informative website which can help with Topic and Science learning.