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Brenzett Primary School

BrenzettChurch of England Primary School

'The Lost Sheep' Luke 15:4-7


1. Intent

At Brenzett Primary School, the aim is to provide all pupils with a high-quality education that develops their mathematical fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. The curriculum considers the practical application of mathematics and is designed to equip pupils with the knowledge, understanding and confidence they need to successfully apply mathematics to their daily lives and future endeavours.

The curriculum's intent is rooted in the National Curriculum for Mathematics and we adopt a well-sequenced and progressive approach to learning using a range of high-quality resources that are adapted to the needs of our pupils. The ability to understand numeric problems and information is a crucial life-skill and we promote a supportive and inclusive learning environment where all children can thrive and reach their full potential.

2. Implementation

At our school, the implementation of the Maths curriculum is carefully planned and sequenced to deliver effective teaching and learning experiences for all pupils. The school provides an engaging curriculum that incorporates a range of teaching approaches and resources to accommodate the needs of all learners.

2.1 Curriculum Design and Sequencing

The Maths curriculum is designed to build upon prior knowledge and scaffolds learning progressively, ensuring pupils develop strong foundations in mathematical concepts. It balances the teaching of key concepts with opportunities for problem-solving and reasoning.  In order to facilitate the long-term retention of key number facts and concepts, each lesson begins with a bespoke ‘Do Now’ retrieval task, which draws on prior learning and provides opportunities for consolidation and deeper understanding. The main lesson is then delivered, with tasks demonstrated by the teacher and shared work discussed before independent learning begins. Lessons are always pitched with a sufficient amount of challenge to move the children forwards in an enjoyable, safe and supportive way.

2.2 Differentiated Teaching and Learning

Our school implements a range of teaching strategies to cater to the diverse needs of pupils. Teachers use a variety of approaches, including clear explanations, modelling, interactive resources, use of manipulatives, a range of questioning styles, directed adult support, and working walls to engage all pupils and to promote understanding and success.

2.3 Mathematical Vocabulary and Language

Developing pupils' mathematical vocabulary and language is a key aspect of the teaching of maths at our school. Teachers explicitly teach and regularly reinforce mathematical language, ensuring pupils can accurately communicate mathematical ideas and concepts. This subject specific language is revisited through each class’s retrieval tasks. Opportunities for discussion and reasoning are embedded in lessons, fostering a confident and articulate mathematical community.

2.4 Mathematical Fluency and Problem-Solving

We also prioritise the development of mathematical fluency and problem-solving skills. At the heart of mathematical fluency is a strong understanding of number, the ability to count accurately and to recall both multiplication and division facts linked to times-tables quickly and easily. For this reason. pupils are given the opportunity to strengthen their recall skills with regular arithmetic and times-table practice and we encourage them to celebrate their success and to take pride in their achievements in these important areas of mathematics.

Once the children have a firm foundation in basic number, they are then much better able to apply their skills in a wider context.  Teachers provide regular opportunities for pupils to practice and apply their mathematical knowledge, encouraging them to reason mathematically, investigate patterns, and solve problems. The curriculum promotes the use of manipulatives, concrete materials, and visual representations to support conceptual understanding.

2.5 Assessment and Feedback

Formative assessment plays a crucial role our maths implementation. Teachers use a range of assessment strategies, such as observation, dialogue, questioning, and assessment tasks, to gauge pupils' understanding and identify areas for improvement and identify gaps in learning. Effective feedback is provided promptly, enabling pupils to reflect on their learning and make progress. Assessment data is also used to inform future planning and interventions.

Examples of Manipulatives

They also use pictorial representations like these.


Our aim is that pupils are confident using abstract methods too.

Pupils are encouraged to ‘move’ within the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to ensure competence and confidence.

It is important that children can memorise times tables, number bonds and addition/subtraction facts. Whilst pupils practise these in school daily, they are expected to do regular practice at home.