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Brenzett Primary School

BrenzettChurch of England Primary School

'The Lost Sheep' Luke 15:4-7

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We’re so proud to receive an original piece of artwork from the author James Mayhew who recently joined us via Zoom for a session with the whole school.

Cherry class have been learning about algorithms and de-bugging using the bee-bots in computing

Acorn Class planted some magic beans just like Jack in our story this week. We spoke about what plants need to grow. We are very excited to see how tall our bean stalks will grow 🌱☀️💦

Willow Class currently have been learning about rivers in Geography this term. To support their learning, this weeks lesson gave them the opportunity to construct their own river models.


Willow class created their own circuits in DT and had the task to make a switch using pins and a paper clip. Their team work and communication skills were incredible and success all round. Look at those happy faces! Well done 😊⚡️💡🔋🔌

Acorn Class have had a great first week back learning all about Supertato! In maths we have been exploring numbers 10-15 focusing on one more!


We’re so proud of one of our year 4 pupils who performed in this concert!

Thank you for all your support this morning. We hope you enjoyed the Easter service.


Brenzett school had a great time when the fire engine visited today. We learnt lots about the incredible job that the Fire and Rescue Service do and some of us even sat inside the fire engine!

Cherry class held their class assembly where they shared all the wonderful learning from the year so far. Well done to all the children, we are so proud of you all!

On Friday we invited all mums, grandmas and any amazing women in our lives to join us for afternoon tea. With a great big thank you to our wonderful PTFA for making these amazing opportunities a reality for our school. We all enjoyed a slice of cake and a hot cup of tea!

Oak Class have thoroughly enjoyed participating in World Book Day! We loved getting comfy and sharing a book. Thank you to everyone who came and joined us.


Acorn Class have been exploring mass and capacity in maths. We have been comparing these and discussing the difference in heavy and light, full and empty and those in between. We went on a hunt around forest school to see what we could find to make our cups full. 

Cherry class have been using their tablets to research facts about Australian animals and landmarks.


Willow class wowed us this week with their class assembly, well done to everyone!

This term Acorn Class have ventured back in time to walk with the dinosaurs. This week we have been looking at fossils and skeletons. We created our own dinosaur skeletons. Let’s hope they don’t come alive at night!

Our head girl Tilly, was given the responsibility of monitoring collective worship delivered by Les Carter. Les is a Reader within the local Benefice and a Governor at the school. Monitoring by pupils and staff is a vital part of collective worship, thus ensuring its effectiveness.

In Drawing Club our Reception children wowed us by having a go at writing a sentence about the dinosaur wearing something from their wardrobe!

Young Voices 2024!

In Willow class the children have been writing poems about climate change. Some fantastic work created - well done!

Cherry class have been learning about forces in Science. They have been looking at squashing, squeezing and twisting using clay. The children created their own models using these skills.


Acorn Class enjoyed making their very own sleigh bells and singing Jingle Bells in Forest School. They also went on a hunt to track down the 12 days of Christmas. Well done Acorns!

Our EYFS and KS1 pupils wowed the rest of the school with their amazing nativity performance- we can't wait for our families to see it and hope you like it just as much as our pupils did. A special time of year celebrated through an incredible show. Well done to all involved.


Thank you so much to our amazing PTFA who treated our pupils to the Christmas Panto- Robin Hood- and a tasty ice cream during the interval! Pupils absolutely loved it, joining in, chanting and laughing. A lovely way to start the Christmas season.

Without the amazing work the ladies do who run and are part of the PTFA, and the support of our community in helping attend events to raise money, we would not be able to do these kind of things. Thank you to everyone for your generosity and support.

Thank you so much to everyone who joined us this morning at this year's Christingle service marking the festive season which will shortly be upon us. It was so wonderful to have a full church and have so many parents, carers, aunts, uncles, nans and grandads with us. Making the Christingles in church alongside family and friends was a lovely addition to our service- thank you for supporting us in this, our pupils loved it! Thank you also to Les for leading us in worship and for our Collective Worship team who made sure everything ran smoothly.

Our pupils love their Godly Play time with Les, learning all about a particular bible story alongside their friends. There were some fantastic discussions and thoughtful comments made by all pupils, from our youngest to our oldest.

This week, we were visited by our MAF representative learning more about what they do and where the money raised goes, helping others across the world.

Our School Council have been busy working alongside their peers to come up with some fundraising ideas- watch this space for more information!

A lovely collective worship lead by Year 5 and 6 talking about what makes a good leader. A perfect theme for the day our Year 6 pupils receive their badges. Congratulations to each one of them for being awarded their new role- especially to our new Head Girl and Head Boy, Tilly and Kyron.

We've been busy investing in our music curriculum, ensuring we equip our pupils with a range of skills and give them different opportunities, opening doors for them when they're older. Our most recent purchase was a set of DJ decks- watch this space, we'll be soon taking over the music industry!

Cherry class have been busy using the laptops to do their research, finding facts about different types of bears. 

Oak Class made a boat and a bridge in Forest School. They also played 'capture the flag', demonstrating their knowledge of their WW1 classroom learning. They had some very inventive ideas -Well done Oak class!

Our Remembrance service on Friday led by the children.

Thank you so much to all the families who joined us to mark this important moment in history.

'Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.'

Acorn Class had a fantastic time down at Lime Tree Farm Brookland today, picking their very own pumpkins. Thank you so much to the owners of the farm for such a wonderful experience and allowing our pupils to have the pick of the crop.



Learning new skills all the time! Our Reception pupils loved being 'leaf thieves' and learning to do leaf rubbings. What they created was really impressive and the sense of pride for what they achieved was wonderful.

In science, Willow Class were given the task of sorting animals into the appropriate food chain. They had to consider the language of producer, primary and secondary consumer and predator. Plus what happens if you take an animal away from the chain.

Cherry class enjoyed a morning out at Brenzett Aeronautical museum learning all about the history of Brenzett. Thank you to the kind gentleman who showed our pupils around and taught them so many interesting facts about where they live.

Thank you also to the parents who helped us drive pupils across to the museum.

This year we have the pleasure of working with the charity MAF who will help teach us about the amazing work they do to help others and will be hosting a family day in school in the summer. This will involve one of their planes coming onto site for pupils to explore and learn more about. Throughout the year, pupils will be creating charity fundraising events to help us raise our target of £750. This will be a challenge but we know with your continued support and the amazing it!

Oak class got creative in Forest School creating their own Boggarts. Some of the class decided to add a Mayan theme from their class learning. They were all very focused and incredibly creative- an amazing lesson all round!


Willow Class have been getting hands on with their Science this term, learning all about the digestive system. In this weeks lesson, they recreated what happens to food when it enters and leaves the body. Group 1 were the mouth- munching up the food and breaking it down with the support of 'saliva'. Group 2 were the stomach- breaking it down even further with a cup of 'bile'. Group 3 had the fun of being the intestines, passing the food through some tights, extracting the waste liquid (urine!). And if you haven't guessed already, poor table 4 were the final part of the digestive system- the anus! Some great photos capturing a fantastic bit of learning.

Willow class used the micro:bit in ICT. All children managed to program their names and some managed to take their learning further and use them to play rock, paper scissors!

Some incredible Autumnal crowns created by Acorn Class in Forest School. They were all so proud of what they had created!

Cherry Class went exploring to find signs of Autumn during their science lesson. It's safe to say, this season is definitely with us!

Some fantastic maths happening in Oak class - keep it up!

Our school bible story is Luke 15: 4-7 (The Lost Sheep). As a result, all pupils have been creating their very own sheep- fingers crossed they don't lose them!

p.s. How great does our new PE uniform look!!

Reception have hit the ground running with their phonics and have been busy learning the sound 'm' whilst exploring the 'The Colour Monster' book.


Wow! What an amazing production of Hansel and Gretel performed by Oak Class today. This is the first KS2 performance in over 6 years and they smashed it, raising the bar for future productions. Not only did they learn all their lines off by heart, create their costumes and make all their props, they also took over creative direction choosing to perform outside and managed all of the sound and technical side of things too. I am beyond proud of each and ever member of this Year 5/6 class with what they have achieved today- what a fantastic way to end the year.

Acorns were learning all about the environment and how to keep it safe and clean for everyone to enjoy. They specifically focused on life under the sea and how they can help the different sea creatures, inspired by the book 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley', a story about a plastic bag! Following this, they were set the challenge to pick up rubbish spotted outside around the school and put it where it belongs- in the bin!

Willow have loved exploring magnets in Science, noticing that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance also. They continued experimenting building upon prior lessons, using different magnets to see if the outcomes changed.

Our new school uniform all ready for September!

What a fantastic Sports Day! Thank you to everyone who came along to support our pupils- it was so lovely to see so many of you there. A massive thank you to our staffing team for helping the afternoon run so smoothly and a special thanks to DJ Sermon on the microphone and providing the tunes! Well done to every single pupil for participating and to the toddlers, mums and dads who joined! Thank you to the PTFA too who provided ice-pops at the end of the day for each pupil to enjoy.


We couldn't be more proud of the pupils who attended Kingswood Activity Centre for their school residential this week. They represented the school so well, always polite, well behaved and respectful to the instructors- listening carefully and participating well. Every single one of them overcame challenges and fears, supporting each other along the way. Well done to all of you and a massive thank you to the teachers who went along and supported them.

And that's a wrap! What an incredible day of performing for our pupils in RSC. They did an amazing job, growing in confidence with each performance. Well done to each and everyone of them and a big thank you to Mr Sermon who is helped them reach this point.

Willow class have been developing their DT skills, creating their very own Robin Hood hat.

There was some incredible Science happening in Cherry class, exploring different materials.

What a fantastic PTFA Summer Fayre! The event raised around £1,200. This is an incredible amount of money which will make such a difference to our little school, making it an even better place for our pupils.

Cherry class enjoyed an afternoon of Rapid Fire cricket organised by Shepway Sports. Thank-you to all the parents who helped with transport.

Willow and Oak class were really busy helping move soil into tyres, in preparation for our new gardening club. We would like to say a massive THANK YOU to the lovely team at Moores Turf & Topsoil Ltd for their kind donation.


A massive thank you to our PTFA who, with the money raised from the different events organised, purchased us these wonderful benches for our 'Spirituality Garden' and our new school notice board by the main gate. Pupils have already enjoyed the new learning space outside, with one pupil saying that she liked being able to sit out there as she was able to hear the birds sing.

Amazing independent writing by our Acorn pupils during child initiated time- great job everyone!

Cherry class have been developing their geography skills, learning how to use and read a map to enhance their knowledge of the world around them with a particular focus on European countries.

Willow class have been creating their very own stop start animations, recreating the story of the Trojan Horse. Pupils have loved using technology to create their own mini films and will be adding voice overs to them, completing the project.

In Forest School, Cherry class looked at geometric patterns and how they can use nature to make them. Some of the class made a wonderful woodlouse palace which was fit for a woodlouse king!



Oak class had a fantastic time at the Marsh Academy learning how to play Lacrosse.

Acorn class have been exploring Judaism today and learning all about a new religion. They made their own Torahs and Menorahs. In their Torahs they drew pictures of something or someone who is special to them. They also got to try on a Tallit and Kippah and looked at a Synagogue, the holy place of worship for the Jewish community.

Willow class have been taking their mathematics into Forest School, exploring fractions.


Our little chicks have brought so much joy to all, especially our pupils in Acorn class who have carefully looked after them, giving them lots of cuddles and who are keeping a watchful eye on them.

Willow class have been getting creative with their story writing and took part in the competition, The Incredible Diary Of..., where they could write about a subject of their choice.

Congratulations to these 7 certificate recipients who, once permission has been received from their parents, will have their work published in a book featuring a number of short stories by children all across the country.

What an amazing achievement!

Cherry class have been learning all about programming and have been using the beebots to explore what this means in real life. They thoroughly enjoyed getting their Bee from one place to another and worked exceptionally well in their groups.


Willow class have had an amazing time at Carroty Wood! They’ve been out in the woods orienteering, getting a little (a lot) muddy playing football, rafting and exploring the outdoor area.

In Forest School , Oak class practised different life skills and cooked themselves a tasty meal over the fire. What a great treat at the end of a very wet session.

Cherry class were busy using manipulatives in maths for that hands on learning experience

Thank you so much to our amazing PTFA who once again created something magical for our families and pupils to enjoy. The Mother's Day Afternoon Tea was a fantastic success. It was so lovely having Mums, Nans, Aunties, Sisters, Carers etc in to say thank you to and celebrate all the wonderful things they do for our children.

Willow class had the challenge of creating shelters from the rain in Forest School. They had to think about where would be a good location, what material to use and how best to secure it so they could keep dry.

Acorn class are loving learning about the different superheroes in their community. Last week was all about Firefighters and saw them creating their own fire engine and hoses to help put out fires and rescue those in need.

Wow- what an incredible World Book Day. There were so many fantastic costumes and brilliant books brought in to be shared by all. Thank you to our families and staff for making it such a lovely day!


Exciting things are coming! Our School Council met to look at new school logo designs and uniform options which will come into effect in September- more information will be sent out to families shortly. There seems to be a favourite logo design currently in school but we will be looking to ask the rest of our community for their thoughts and opinions too- don't worry, everyone will get a say!

Acorn class are currently learning all about heroes within our community. They were visited by a paediatric nurse who taught them all about how to stay healthy and the importance of washing their hands to prevent getting poorly. They even got to have a go at using a real stethoscope. A few of them now want to become a superhero just like her.

Thank you so much to 'Search and Rescue' for visiting and demonstrating to our pupils the amazing work they do. It was lovely to have Scout in, showing of his incredible skills- I think all pupils now hope they have a clever dog like Scout around if they were ever in an emergency.

Cherry class have been busy typing up their poems, using their ICT skills which they have been developing all this term. It was lovely to see them so confidently navigating their way around the laptops independently.

Willow class created their own musical instruments out of junk, inspired by their class book- Ada's Violin. They thought carefully about the sounds which they created and thoroughly enjoyed using what some see as rubbish to make something musical.

Oak class had lots of fun in Science at the end of last term creating their own rockets which were launched in the playground.

Congratulations to Jess, Jacob and Mason for winning a prize place in the Rotary Club Christmas Story competition. Thank you to Venetia for coming in today and presenting the certificates and prizes to our amazing winners. Well done all and keep up the amazing writing!


Our highly skilled gymnastics coach, Jess, has been working closely with Key Stage 2 this term to develop their skills. It has been great seeing our pupils grow in confidence during these sessions.

So much awe and wonder was happening in Acorn class last week, it was amazing to see our pupils so engaged in their learning, grasping a better understanding of the world around them. With the Winter's chilly conditions, the frost and ice brought lots of fun and exploration.

Young Voices- what an experience! Over 8000 children coming together to sing live at The o2. Such an amazing opportunity for our pupils. It may have been a long day and a late night but it was worth every minute to see the smiles on our pupils' (and staff's) faces when singing as one incredible choir.

Cherry had an amazing time baking with Mrs Green. They learnt how to use traditional scales to weigh out the different ingredients and helped mix everything together.

Freddie was able to remember his learning from Term 1 all about the Titanic and confidently described the ship and the events which led to its sinking. 

Cherry Class have been very busy! They have made bird 'biscuits' for our resident Robin, they have made ice soup, an ice sculpture and even upcycled an old Christmas tree to make it a treat for birds.


Cherry class used piping to roll some rudolf noses- they nearly got half the length of Forest School! It was great to see some amazing team work and great engineering! 

A HUGE thank you to our amazing PTFA for treating our pupils to such a fantastic experiencing having a Panto come to them, starting off the festive season with a bang. It is safe to say all pupils loved every single minute of it, laughing, dancing, singing, cheering, booing, clapping- the room was just full of joy! They even had ice creams during the interval, just like they would if they were at a real theatre. It's thanks to our PTFA and the amazing contributions of all our families that our pupils are able to have such experiences and opportunities like this. Thank you!


Oak Class got stuck into their art lesson this week, busy making their very own papier-mâché planet. We look forward to seeing the final pieces after the have had time to dry and be painted, next week!

Our pupils love their new trim trail area and have been growing in confidence using the different parts, developing different gross motor skills.

Thank you to all those who came and joined us for our Remembrance service on the playground today. A special thank you to our Worship Leaders who led us through the service, to Mr Sermon for supporting them in doing so and teaching the whole school two beautiful songs of remembrance, and finally a big thank you to Reverend Jacky for welcoming everyone and giving us our blessing. It was lovely to share in this act of remembrance together, especially whilst the sun was shining.

We will remember them!


It was so lovely to finish Term 1 off by having parents in to celebrate our pupils' learning throughout the term. Thank you to everyone who came, and to all the team here at Brenzett Primary School for their tireless dedication ensuring pupils are happy, safe and continue to succeed!

Well done to Andy and Mr Sermon for completing a very challenging and wet half marathon to raise money for our school. And thank you to Andy’s family for joining Miss Barnden in supporting our two amazing runners in seriously wet conditions!



Willow class have been creative in Forest School this week, creating their own Forest mobiles and mastering the perfect knot! They even had a little lizard join them.

We welcome back our Brenzett community - old and new! We are very excited and looking forward to the new academic year. The children have enjoyed a Roald Dahl week to start the year - reading stories, writing and creating artwork based around their classes chosen book.

Cherry Class have enjoyed being creative with 'The Enormous Crocodile'.


We did it! Thanks to all the pupils and staff for helping us to achieve the SILVER School Games Award

Acorn class have been exceptionally artistic this week creating these amazing pictures inspired by their class book. Some budding artists you can see!

We could not be more proud of this young lady! Ellie has been working so hard this week to reach major milestones in her development and has absolutely smashed it! I think it's safe to say from the smile on her face, she's pretty proud of herself too!

Cherry class have continued to learn about the artist Alma Thomas, and this week have used magazines to create their collage. Look how proud they are with these beautiful pieces of work.



Last week, getting into the spirit of Wimbledon, pupils in Key Stage 2 were given the chance to develop their tennis skills with a professional coach.

Move out the way Andy Murray and Emma Raducanu, the children of Brenzett Primary School are coming for you!

This stunning dragonfly decided to join in at lunchtime today. Our pupils loved having such an up-close opportunity to see its beauty and were exceptionally careful when handling it.


Cherry class have been busy learning about different artists. On Friday, the class were busy creating their own rainbows using a range of materials. Some budding artists in the making!

Wow- it was so lovely to see our pupils and staff dressed in orange on Friday to raise awareness for the Azalyia Foundation and all the amazing work those working alongside them do for children with cancer. Thank you to those who bought wristbands and gave donations. A final amount of how much was raised will be announced soon.


Acorn and Willow class had a fantastic time today on the K&ESR steam train from Tenterden to Bodiam. An amazing experience for all, learning the history of the first 'light-railway' to be constructed.

Oak class have recently been taking their learning outside - learning doesn't always have to be done inside the classroom!

Massive congratulations to Freddie who has received his Bronze Award in reading! Well done Freddie- keep up the amazing effort.

What a wonderful privilege it was to welcome Bishop Rose into our school yesterday, alongside Reverend Chris and Reverend Jacky. She was able to meet with all of our pupils, engaging with them in their learning, visiting our Forest School and supporting our Worship Leaders in planning worship which they delivered at the end of the day. We couldn’t have been more proud with how our pupils welcomed her into our school and enthusiastically shared what we do here at Brenzett.

Willow class had a great morning learning about climate change and how to save money around the house. They all really engaged with the activities that they had to complete. Thank you to NatWest for delivering this to our pupils.

We have had a number of 'Shining Light' Awards handed out this term, given to pupils who have been exceptionally helpful in school, especially at lunchtime, and who have shown kindness to others. Thank you for being fantastic ambassadors of our school's values.

Congratulations to Dempsey who was recently awarded for his Dance and Football skills. It is always lovely when pupils share their achievements outside of school too. Well done Dempsey!

At the end of last term, Cherry Class held a VIP story screening in their classroom, which only lucky ticket holders could attend. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all the hard work each pupil had put into their stories, from the initial writing to the illustrating, videoing and recording voice-overs and sound effects. What an amazing learning experience they all had!


We wish Mrs Osborne-Bean all the best in the coming weeks as she goes off on maternity leave. We can't wait to meet your new addition to the family. Good luck and best wishes from all of the Brenzett team!

To end their 'Activities Week', Year 6 took a trip the Marsh Cinema for a private showing of 'The Bad Guys'. They had a great time thanks to the staff working there who made us feel welcome and well looked after. A great way to end the term!

An amazing day celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee! The children had a great day which involved a royal treasure hunt, letter writing to the queen, royal stamp designing, a picnic lunch in the hall and then celebrations in the playground from 2pm with family- and lots of cake! Thank you to all those who came and joined us and to the PTFA and teachers for their hard work organising everything. Thanks to the PTFAs efforts and our parents’ kind and generous contributions we managed to raise just over £345 which will be going towards new play equipment for our pupils. It was truly wonderful to see everyone together and enjoying such a momentous occasion. Thank you! ❤️🤍💙

Term 5 Week 6- Shining Light Awards were given to the following pupils for the fantastic work they produced and for having a positive attitude to learning, well done everyone!

Today, Year 6 took a trip to Camber Sands. Even though the weather turned typically British, they loved having a paddle in the sea, making sandcastles, running in the dunes, going to the park and eating ice creams. A lovely day away from the classroom, exploring the local area.

Wow! What an amazing experience Young Voices was. Every single one of the pupils who attended last night loved it, albeit a very tiring day! They all sang their hearts out, thoroughly enjoyed the supporting acts and did us proud when moving in and around the O2 Arena. Well done to all those who attended and a special thanks to the staff who accompanied our pupils, keeping them safe and ensuring they had a great time, and to the parents who came to support.