We hope you have had a wonderful summer holidays and are ready to start term 1!
Please scroll down to look at our daily timetable and upcoming learning for the term. If you have any questions please speak to myself or Ms Mcgarvie at the door or through our online learning platform 'Seesaw'.
Kind regards
Ms Greenwood
Cherry Class Weekly Timetable
Cherry Class Timetable |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
08:30 |
EMW/Reading |
EMW/Reading |
EMW/Reading |
EMW/Reading |
EMW/Reading |
08:40 |
Register |
Register |
Register |
Register |
Register |
08:45 |
09:00 |
RWI/Reading |
RWI/Reading |
RWI/Reading |
RWI/Reading |
RWI/Reading |
9.45 |
Literacy |
Literacy |
Literacy |
Literacy |
Literacy |
10.45 |
11 |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
12 |
1 |
Register |
Register |
Register |
Register |
Register |
1.05 |
Phonics |
Handwriting |
Phonics |
Handwriting |
Art-1.05-2pm |
1.10 |
Science |
Topic |
RE |
Forest School |
2.10 |
Brain break |
Brain break |
Brain break |
2.15 |
PE |
Music |
3 |
Storytime |
Storytime |
Storytime |
Storytime |
Storytime |
3.10. |
Hometime |
Hometime |
Hometime |
Hometime |
Hometime |
Please ensure all school uniform is clearly labelled.
Children will need a:
- PE kit - house colour t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls. To be worn into school on Monday.
- Forest school kit - long trousers, long sleeved top, coat and welly boots (please bring in a bag on Thursday)
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to talk to Ms Greenwood or Ms Mcgarvie. If necessary, please make an appointment.
This Term
What’s happening this term:
English - In Literacy we will be reading Major Glad and Major Dizzy. We will be writing diaries and stories, over the course of the term. We will also be looking at seasonal poetry. Our Spag focus will be around homophones, noun phrases, suffixes and different types of sentences.
Maths - The main focus this term will be addition and subtraction - we will be learning a variety of methods to help us work out answers. Later in the term we will be looking at multiplication and division.
Science - The topic for Science is Animals, including humans. We will be looking at the different parts of the body and the 5 senses, moving onto animal groups - mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles.
Geography- Our theme is What is the weather like in the UK? We will be looking at the countries and capital cities of the UK to begin with, we will then explore the seasons and how the weather differs across the UK.
RE - The theme for RE this term is Humanism and our big question is ‘Who are Humanists and how do they live’ Our learning will centre around what humanists believe.
DT- We will be designing and creating a moving storybook, We will be following a design criteria, progressing to making a moving structure with functioning parts.
Computing - We will be developing our understanding of programming using Bee-bots. Our online safety session will be based on how people’s feelings and emotions can be affected by online content.
PSHE - The theme is Dreams and Goals, which emphasises the importance of persevering, working as a team and feeling proud about our accomplishments.
Home Learning:
Please log in to your Seesaw accounts to access our online learning platform.
- Reading - Please make sure your child is reading every day. Please sign and date their log books each time your child reads.
- Spellings - set via Spelling Frame
- Timetables/maths - set via Times tables rockstars
Additional Home learning activities:
Great for crafting and creating:
Other websites:
- A great resource to help understand year 1.
- An excellent range of activities to practise maths and literacy skills.
- A good range of games to practise reading, writing, spelling and some great adventures that combine English, maths and science.
- A good range of games to practise maths skills.
- A good selection of fun activities at all levels.
These are great sites for looking after yours and your child's wellbeing.